Consists of fostering a positive image of the host country and putting together professional evidence and facts that proves its safety and profitability as an agriculture investment destination.

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PUNGWE is spearheading agri investments in Africa by crafting and advising on innovative finance models that are a perfect fit for different countries and their unique needs.

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We work closely with African Governments in creating turnkey agriculture ecosystems that will ensure fulfillment of local, regional and global food security goals.

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We plan to establish world class turnkey farm models and systems, that will cover the greater part of the value chain from production to processing and to exporting to regional and global markets.

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Our Investment Promotion mandate can be categorized into four key areas:

a) Image Building

Which consists of fostering a positive image of the host country and putting together professional evidence and facts that proves its safety and profitability as an agriculture investment destination;

b) Investment Generation

Where we deal with direct marketing techniques targeting specific verticals for instance Crop Production, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Floriculture etc. Here we also focus on markets, projects, activities and investors, in line with different countries’ national priorities;

c) Investment Facilitation

In partnership with local investment authorities we provide support to investors to facilitate their establishment phase as well as retaining existing ones and encouraging reinvestments by responding to their needs and challenges; and

d) Policy Advocacy

We identify bottlenecks in different Agriculture investment climates in various countries and provide recommendations to Governments in order to address them.


Food systems are expected to feed an approximate 9 billion people by 2050, at the same time reducing emissions and protecting the environment. The only place in the world with the capacity to be a global food security hub, though under capitalised, is Africa.
Boasting 65% of uncultivated arable land about 400million ha, only 10% (40 million ha) is utilised.

It is true what Dr. Adesina said in 2018 during his Public Lecture of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, he said “The future of food depends on what Africa will do with Agriculture”.

To compliment efforts by and in partnership with Private Sector Investors, International Development Institutions, World Bank, Africa Development Bank etc. PUNGWE is spearheading agri investments in Africa by crafting and advising on innovative finance models that are a perfect fit for different countries and their unique needs.


According to the African Union, for Africa to achieve the Agenda 2063 aspiration for “A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development” the continent needs to invest in modern agriculture for increased proactivity and production as well as exploit the vast potential of Africa’s blue/ocean economy. In addition, action needs to be taken to address climate change issues and other environmental factors that pose a great risk to the agricultural sector.

The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) is one of the continental frameworks under Agenda 2063 and it aims to help African countries eliminate hunger and reduce poverty by raising economic growth through agriculture-led development .

PUNGWE Agri-Group is well posed to help African Governments & Private sector players develop world-class agriculture systems and structures. We work closely with African Governments in creating turnkey agriculture ecosystems that will ensure fulfillment of local, regional and global food security goals; from production to agro-processing, including research, planning and modeling, capital raising, development/production, post harvest solutions, marketing and distribution etc.


Through strategic partnerships with small holder farmers, we plan to establish world class turnkey farm models and systems, in strategic agri-verticals, that will cover the greater part of the value chain from production to processing and ultimately to exporting to regional and global markets.

We are also focused on setting up Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) on national priority status agriculture projects. The task at hand to ensure local, regional and global food security is too big to be dealt with individually or divided as single entities; only as a united front, through private and public sector collaborations will African countries be able to deliver the food security promise.

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